As part of our annual business continuity plan, we had to simulate a database less/corruption of our main application, and steps to recover from backup.

Our application uses RDS instance, with continuous backup enabled. We can easily do it manually via AWS Web console with a few clicks, but as the infrastructure is managed using Terraform, the best would be able to do the whole operation using it. IaC leverages us to not just get infra running but also documented and reviewed later.

A simple search on DuckDuckGo for the terms rds restore point in time terraform, I got to the official documentation.

In short, I just had to provide the section restore_to_point_in_time containing 2 parameters:

  • source_instance_identifier
  • restore_time

The snippet was something like that:

module "db-restore" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/rds/aws"
  version = "~> 3.0"

  identifier = "restored-instance"

 restore_to_point_in_time = {
   source_db_instance_identifier = "original-instance-identifier"
   restore_time                  = "2024-07-10T09:00:00+00:00"


*Note that my environment is running on Terraform ~>3.0. Newer versions may provide different params or different names for them.
